Greenville Crime Map And Stats
Sure, you want to stay in a secure neighborhood, but how does yours compare with the surrounding city? Check out our Greenville crime map and find out the amount of incidents around Greenville. Then get some methods to make your home and neighborhood more safe.
Greenville Crime Map
Our Greenville Crime Map gives a summary of reported incidents in the area. Brighter areas indicate a larger number of incidences in relation to the overall metropolitan. To get a more expansive perspective of Greenville, use the + button to zoom out. Or tap the - button to zoom in on a single area or street.
Common Ways To Help Make Your Community Safer
If you need to reduce crime, there's plenty you might do in the name of neighborhood safety. Use these 5 quick guidelines to keep your community both inviting and secure.
Meet your neighbors: The more you know your neighbors, the simpler it will be to protect one another. Many blocks in Greenville have even started a coordinated neighborhood watch.
Get a security system: If a burglar trips an alarm system, it may dissuade them from lurking around that same street for a while. Your outside security cameras may also capture people going through your yard when fleeing from the scene of a crime.
Keep items away from the window in your vehicle: Forgetting your purse, keys, or phone in plain sight can instigate a vehicular break-in. Try to remember to double check you have expensive items or leave them in a safe place like in a console compartment or trunk.
Hang outside motion flood lights: Light is an intruder’s worst nightmare. By installing motion-activated floodlights over a deck or a back doorway, you may prevent a burglary before it starts.
Alert neighbors to when you’re gone: Let a neighbor know when you leave to go away to visit relatives, and give them a key or door lock code to check-in periodically. Although, don’t post vacation plans to social media if at all possible.
Have Secure24 Alarm Systems Help Your House Stay Safe And Efficient
When you want a monitored security system to help protect your home from burglary, fire, or other predicaments, contact Secure24 Alarm Systems. We'll show you your alarm and home automation packages and will help you pick the right system for your family’s needs. Just call (864) 362-5081 or fill out the form below.